28 Mart 2012 Çarşamba

Organic Natox Reviews

Botox is a well-liked cosmetic treatment, that is widely used by celebrities hoping to reduce the signs of aging. The way it works is through localized injections, which temporarily improve the appearance of moderate-to-severe frown lines between the eyebrows.
But Botox treatments are far from ideal

Although the FDA has classed the treatment as safe, it requires the injection of what is fundamentally poison in to your skin! & to make matters worse, it fundamentally immobilizes the muscles of the brow, which can lead to reduced facial expressions. In other words, whether you are happy or mournful, your face will look the same!

First there is the prohibitive cost Botox can only be performed by specialized clinics & need 10-25 sessions costing on average $300 /£200 each!

So although Botox sounds like a less invasive treatment, it is still not as safe as a traditional cream or serum.

Other potential side effects include drooping eyelid, double vision, uneven smirk, or loss of the ability to close eyes which usually wear off after 6 weeks.

Visit The Natox Official Website Here